For local councils

Local councils can play a significant role in building community literacy around mental health, mental ill health and suicide prevention. By supporting the Tasmanian Communications Charter, your council can be a leading voice in promoting mental health, reducing stigma and encouraging help-seeking.

Suicide prevention is a public health issue that requires coordinated and combined efforts from all levels of government, health care systems, workplaces, schools, community groups, individuals, families and local communities.

Why is the Charter important?

Stigma continues to be a barrier for people when it comes to their mental health. In a recent survey by MHCT, 54% of respondents reported perceived negative community attitudes to mental ill-health was a barrier to accessing help, 50% of respondents reported that admitting and recognising the need for help was also a challenge. The Tasmanian Communications Charter aims to address these issues of stigma and self-stigma.

What is the Charter?

Tasmania is the first state to adopt the new National Communications Charter. The Charter aims to reduce stigma and promote help-seeking behaviour by bringing individuals and organisations together to build community literacy and a contemporary understanding of mental health, mental ill-health and suicide prevention.

Download a copy of the Charter here

How local council can get involved?

As leaders in the local community, you can support the key principles of the Charter:

1. Recognise mental health, mental ill-health and suicide prevention as a priority issue.

2. Use person-centred and respectful language in all communication.

3. Share nationally consistent information and messages.

4. Collaborate with local community, services and government.

5. Include people with lived experience in design of  projects and programs.

6. Promote crisis services and help-seeking information.

Next step:

Fill in the contact form here

We will be in contact shortly to discuss how local council can support the principles of the Tasmanian Communications Charter.